Please don't forget to insert the ITEMS on DATABASE
Config = {}
-- // Keys --
Config.OpenPetStore = 38 -- // [E] Key to Open the Pet Store. --
Config.NuiFocusPetActionMenu = 311 -- // [K] Key to focus mouse on Pet Action Menu. --
-- // Texts --
Config.ResourceName = 'es_extended' -- // If you are using ESX then "es_extended", if you are using QBCORE then "qb-core". --
Config.Framework = "ESX" -- // What framework are you using "ESX" or "QBCORE" or "LEGACY". --
Config.GetSharedObjects = "esx:getSharedObject" -- // Place here you SharedObjects. --
Config.Notify = "rvl_notify" -- // You can change has you like > "rvl_notify" or "other" and edit on client/config_cl.lua. --
Config.OpenPetActionMenu = "pet" -- // Command to Open/Close Pet Action Menu. --
Config.DeletePetCommand = "delpet" -- // Command to permanently delete the pet --
Config.Payment = "BANK" -- // Choose one: "MONEY / BANK" Type of payment for the pets. --
-- // Options --
Config.CanPetDead = false -- // FALSE: When the pet is dead will not deleted from database. TRUE: When the pet is dead will be deleted from database. --
Config.StoreCoords = {x = 562.38, y = 2751.15, z = 42.88} -- // Coords to interact to Pet Store. --
Config.PetPreviewCoords = {x = 559.76, y = 2749.55, z = 41.88, heading = 303.69} -- // Coords of Pet Preview on Store. --
-- // Value --
Config.FoodNeeded = 1 -- // How much food is used each time. --
Config.WaterNeeded = 1 -- // How much water is used each time. --
Config.MedicNeeded = 1 -- // How much medickit is used each time. --
Config.CooldownStatus = 15000 -- // Time that the pet's status will decrease in milliseconds. --
Config.DecreaseHunger = math.random(1,3) -- // HUNGER: Quantity that will randomly descend between 2 numbers. --
Config.DecreaseThirst = math.random(2,4) -- // THIRST: Quantity that will randomly descend between 2 numbers. --
Config.FoodQuantity = math.random(6, 8) -- // Amount increased after feeding the pet randomly between 2 numbers. --
Config.WaterQuantity = math.random(6, 8) -- // Amount increased after feeding the pet randomly between 2 numbers. --
Config.HealthQuantity = 400 -- // Amount of Health that the pet will receive when using the Medic Kit. --
-- // 3D Marker
Config.StoreMarkerStyle = {
type = 20,
scaleX = 0.5,
scaleY = 0.5,
scaleZ = 0.3,
colorR = 255,
colorG = 255,
colorB = 255
-- // Map Blip's
Config.MapBlipStyle = {
sprite = 141,
display = 4,
colour = 17,
scale = 1.0,
name = "Pet Store"
Config.PetMapBlipStyle = {
sprite = 1,
display = 4,
colour = 44,
scale = 0.8,
name = "Your Pet"
-- // Dog List --
Config.Dogs = {
{model = "a_c_husky", name = "Husky", price = "1250"},
{model = "a_c_poodle", name = "Poodle", price = "1320"},
{model = "a_c_pug", name = "Pug", price = "3500"},
{model = "a_c_retriever", name = "Retriever", price = "4500"},
{model = "a_c_rottweiler", name = "Rottweiler", price = "7500"},
{model = "a_c_shepherd", name = "Shepherd", price = "3800"},
{model = "a_c_westy", name = "Westy", price = "950"}
-- // Translate --
Config.Language = "en"
Config.Translate = {
["en"] = {
["not_founded"] = 'No pet has been found!',
["wait_1"] = 'Please, wait ',
["wait_2"] = ' seconds before do that again!',
["pet_deleted"] = 'Pet has been deleted!',
["close_ui"] = 'Please close the menu before delete your pet!',
["no_near_pet"] = 'Your pet is not near you!',
["no_near_car"] = 'No cars around!',
["pet_dead"] = 'Your pet has just died of starvation or lack of treatment',
["open_door"] = 'You need to open the door first!',
["missing_name"] = 'Please provide a name for your pet',
["already_pet"] = 'You already have one pet!',
["attack_1"] = 'Your pet will now be able to attack those who hurt you',
["attack_2"] = 'Your pet will not attack anyone',
["no_item"] = "You don't have that item in your inventory",
["longer_hungry"] = 'Your pet is no longer hungry',
["longer_thirsty"] = 'Your pet is no longer thirsty',
["health_full"] = 'Your pet is in good health',
["pt"] = {
["not_founded"] = 'Nenhum pet foi encontrado!',
["wait_1"] = 'Tens de esperar ',
["wait_2"] = ' segundos..',
["pet_deleted"] = 'Pet foi apagado com sucesso',
["close_ui"] = 'Fecha o menu antes de apagares o teu pet',
["no_near_pet"] = 'O teu pet não está perto de ti',
["no_near_car"] = 'Não tens nenhum carro por perto',
["pet_dead"] = 'O teu pet morreu devido á falta de cuidados',
["open_door"] = 'Precisas de abrir a porta do carro',
["missing_name"] = 'Qual será o nome do teu pet?',
["already_pet"] = 'Já tens um pet',
["attack_1"] = 'O teu pet está em modo de Ataque',
["attack_2"] = 'O teu pet está em modo pacífico',
["no_item"] = "Não tens esse item no teu inventário",
["longer_hungry"] = 'O teu pet não tem mais fome!',
["longer_thirsty"] = 'O teu pet não tem mais sede!',
["health_full"] = 'O teu pet já está em ótimo estado!',
["es"] = {
["not_founded"] = '¡No se ha encontrado ninguna mascota!',
["wait_1"] = 'Espere por favor ',
["wait_2"] = ' Segundos antes ¡haz eso otra vez!',
["pet_deleted"] = '¡La mascota ha sido eliminada!',
["close_ui"] = '¡Cierra el menú antes de eliminar tu mascota!',
["no_near_pet"] = '¡Tu mascota no está cerca de ti!',
["no_near_car"] = '¡No hay autos alrededor!',
["pet_dead"] = 'Tu mascota acaba de morir de hambre o por falta de tratamiento',
["open_door"] = '¡Primero debes abrir la puerta!',
["missing_name"] = 'Por favor proporcione un nombre para su mascota.',
["already_pet"] = '¡Ya tienes una mascota!',
["attack_1"] = 'Tu mascota ahora podrá atacar a quienes te hagan daño',
["attack_2"] = 'Tu mascota no atacará a nadie',
["no_item"] = "No tienes ese artículo en tu inventario.",
["longer_hungry"] = 'Tu mascota ya no tiene hambre',
["longer_thirsty"] = 'Tu mascota ya no tiene sed',
["health_full"] = 'Tu mascota goza de buena salud.',
Last updated