Config = {}
--\- Config Area -/--
Config.KeyOpen = 38 -- [E] --
Config.Coords = {x= 43.18, y= -1746.68, z= 29.38}
Config.Payment = "MONEY" -- Choose one: "MONEY / BANK / POINTS" -- Remember the Points system you need to adapt to your's on server_config.lua --
Config.Framework = "ESX" -- to adapt to your framework go to server_config.lua.
-- 3D Marker
Config.BlipStyle = {
type = 2,
scaleX = 0.3,
scaleY = 0.3,
scaleZ = 0.2,
colorR = 255,
colorG = 255,
colorB = 255,
-- Map Blip
Config.MapBlipStyle = {
sprite = 52,
display = 4,
colour = 68,
scale = 1.0,
name = "REVEL STORE"
-- Notification's
Config.Notify = "ShowNotification" -- Choose one: "ShowNotification / rvl_notify / Other"
Config.NotifyType = {
success = "success",
info = "info",
error = "error"
-- Items
-- (Read all fields before starting to configure items, thank you.)
Config.Items = {
item = "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE", -- [ITEM NAME] - the same on database --
label = "AK-47", -- [LABEL] - Will display on UI --
type = "WEAPON", -- [TYPE] - Choose one: "WEAPON / CAR / ITEM" --
quantity = 50, -- [QUANTITY] - Quantity will get (if "type = 'WEAPON'" then put ammo quantity) --
buy = 1000, -- [BUY] -- Amount when players try to buy --
sell = 900 -- [SELL] -- Amount when players try to sell (if a CAR you can't sell on this script! only ITEMS or WEAPONS) --
label = "CARBINE RIFLE",
type = "WEAPON",
quantity = 50,
buy = 750,
sell = 900
item = "ZENTORNO",
label = "ZENTORNO",
type = "CAR",
quantity = 1,
buy = 1000,
sell = 0
item = "bread",
label = "BREAD",
type = "ITEM",
quantity = 5,
buy = 5,
sell = 2
item = "water",
label = "WATER",
type = "ITEM",
quantity = 5,
buy = 5,
sell = 2
Config.Language = "en"
Config.Translate = {
["en"] = {
['already_weapon'] = "You already have that weapon",
['purchased_weapon'] = "Weapon has been Purchased",
['purchased_car'] = "Car has been Purchased",
['purchased_item'] = "Item has been Purchased",
['cant_buy'] = "You can't buy that!",
['sold_weapon'] = "Weapon has been sold",
['sold_item'] = "Item has been sold",
['sold_car'] = "Car has been sold", -- soon only --
['no_weapon'] = "You don't have that weapon to sell",
['no_quantity'] = "you don't have the quantity or the item in your inventory",
['sellall_1'] = "you sold ",
['sellall_2'] = " for ",
['sellall_3'] = "€"
["pt"] = {
['already_weapon'] = "Já tens essa arma contigo!",
['purchased_weapon'] = "Compraste uma arma com sucesso",
['purchased_car'] = "Compraste um carro com sucesso",
['purchased_item'] = "Compraste um item com sucesso",
['cant_buy'] = "Não consegues comprar isto!",
['sold_weapon'] = "Arma vendida",
['sold_item'] = "Item vendido",
['sold_car'] = "Carro vendido", -- soon only --
['no_weapon'] = "Não tens essa arma para venda!",
['no_quantity'] = "Não tens a quantidade correta ou não tens o item contigo!",
['sellall_1'] = "vendeste ",
['sellall_2'] = " por ",
['sellall_3'] = "€"
["es"] = {
['already_weapon'] = "¡Ya tienes esa arma contigo!",
['purchased_weapon'] = "Has comprado con éxito un arma.",
['purchased_car'] = "Has comprado un coche con éxito",
['purchased_item'] = "Has comprado con éxito un artículo",
['cant_buy'] = "¡No puedes comprar esto!",
['sold_weapon'] = "Arma vendida",
['sold_item'] = "Artículo vendido",
['sold_car'] = "Coche vendido", -- soon only --
['no_weapon'] = "¡No tienes esa arma a la venta!",
['no_quantity'] = "¡No tiene la cantidad correcta o no tiene el artículo con usted!",
['sellall_1'] = "vendiste ",
['sellall_2'] = " por ",
['sellall_3'] = "€"
Weapons that are in item will not work correctly in the script, for now!
Last updated